Yoga & The Nervous System
We are training the body to move from a state of stress to a state of relaxation more quickly, with more ease, and with less collateral damage to the body and its systems.
How To Navigate + Thrive in Transition
If we’re not careful and let these seemingly undetectable transitions go unacknowledged, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to create transformation within transition. Without acknowledging how we show up + move through these transition spaces, we inevitably do ourselves a disservice. We rob ourselves of the power + right to respond. We rob ourselves of the gift to dance with every moment that unfolds before us.
What is Mindfulness & How Do I Begin to Practice it?
Mindfulness can be practiced at any time, in any place, with anyone around, while you are doing literally any thing by…
5 Mindset Shifts to Leap into the Unknown
Here’s the thing - leaping into the unknown does not mean there is no fear. Let’s clear that up right away. Fear will never go away.
Transform in the New Year
Before we ring in the new year, it is so important to be intentional about setting aside uninterrupted time to not only reflect on the year that has passed but gain clarity as to where you are headed.
4 Meditation Myths Busted
If meditation feels difficult in the beginning, it’s a short time until it feels like the most natural extension of your existence.
Frequency of Gratitude and Your Health
Being grateful falls on the same level as love — it is one of the highest vibrational frequencies you can be at. The more time you can spend in gratitude and love, the more your body's frequency raises and the healthier your body becomes.
5 Steps to a Walking Meditation
As you are beginning to learn how to meditate, using guidelines like those outlined below, will act as trail blazes; markers to help lead, guide, and assist you in your mission to mindfulness.
Three Affirmations to Harness Your Personal Power
True personal power lies in our grace. In our empathy. In our vulnerability. In our willingness to connect. True personal power is love. I invite you to reflect on the following three affirmations to cultivate your own energy of personal power within you.
How You Can Use Your Breath to Transform
We’ve all been there. Those moments when we feel stressed about one thing or another and … we snap. An effective first step in approaching transformation at those cross sections of adversity is accepting the old sage advice - take a deep breath.
Cultivating Gratitude for Growth
Take a moment to consider how far you’ve come, how much you’ve learned, how much you’ve you overcome, and how much you’ve grown in the last year/ chapter of your life. Then think about how every experience [both joyful and painful] - every single moment - has conspired to create this version of you.
Gifting Yourself Time to Reflect
When we gift ourselves this time to reflect, this perspective, we are able to develop a whole other level of appreciation, awe, and empathy for the version of self that endured the hardship.
Let It Be
What’s meant for you will find you. Who is meant for you will find you. In fact, what’s meant for you can not miss you as long as you are open and ready to receive.
Giving Yourself Permission to Indulge
A lot of us feel like if we say “yes”, there will be no end in sight. If I “give in”, I won’t be able to stop myself… in fact, I’ll never stop, and then I’ll be [insert fear of being rejected / unworthy / undeserving of love / acceptance]. What if for a moment we suspended the self imposed conditions to be worthy of love?
Finding Your Tribe
The longer this thought played on repeat, the more that became the reality I was experiencing. More and more every day, I felt farther and farther away from people. They were the most minuscule steps, but one day it truly amounted to a distance I was scared to acknowledge. The most wild part - in an effort to be the only person I needed, I’d never felt farther away from myself.
The Art of The Up Level
As you commit to and embark on the journey of truly knowing, loving, and owning every part of who you are, there is a dance you will inevitably enter into with the Universe. The give and take, the ebb and flow, the grasp and surrender. Trust me, I know this process - doing the work - isn’t a walk in the park. It means feelings of uncertainty. It means questioning. It means doubting. Until, eventually, you’ve built your trust muscle strong enough to feel secure in the fact that the universe is working FOR you - even when it doesn’t look the way you planned and even when it doesn’t feel like that’s the case.
Relinquishing Resistance
Resistance is something we all come face to face with - whether it be in relationships, in creative pursuits, or in business endeavors. Resistance is that voice in your head that says ‘I’ll just do that later’ or ‘you know, I’m obviously not meant to do that at this moment… I don’t want to force it’. And while yes, there is great power and healing in listening to those cues …
Go Play
Playing is like the toll road for our highest selves - the easiest way to access the uninhibited, pure, curious essence at the core of all of us. When did we get too old for play dates anyways? For setting time aside to be silly, to be creative, to explore the depths of our imaginations? Why do “adulting” and playing have to be mutually exclusive?
Redefining “Productivity”
I am here to give you permission to redefine productivity. To empower you to define what it means to you to have a productive day. To choose rest, to choose stillness, and to choose cultivating peace and still feel productive.
Squash Sunday Scaries
Here are a few reframes and simple self love shifts to incorporate throughout the week to stop living for the weekend and start looking forward to every day.