let it be

What’s meant for you will find you. Who is meant for you will find you. In fact, what’s meant for you can not miss you as long as you are open and ready to receive. 

This, although true, is one of those sentiments that really pisses people off when you give that advice during a rock bottom in their life. Maybe you’ve had that response yourself after someone has, perhaps unwarrantedly, offered their two cents on how you may best reframe your current situation in a way that better serves you; you find yourself rolling your eyes, responding easier said than done.  

Honestly, sometimes it feels good to resist. Sometimes it feels good to marinate in the victimhood - to relinquish all responsibility in creating our own repeated reality. It feels easier. It feels like waving a white flag. Because frankly, in the moment, it is easier to give into the old thoughts. The thoughts that keep you small. That keep you from taking the risks that make this life worth living. The old loops playing on repeat that keep you from embodying Truth that you do not need to fight to be loved. 

At the beginning, it is easier. Changing the operating system that has been running the show for the last x amount of years is no easy task. In fact, it’s no quick task either. But after each moment you choose to keep fighting, the next gets easier. It gets easier to choose a reality that serves you. To choose a story that supports the main character - you

How does it feel to be open and ready to receive what is meant for you? It feels like peace. It feels like strength. It feels like sitting down to take an exam you know you’re going to ace. It feels like being caught by the net when you fall off the trapeze. It feels like watching a balloon twirl and dance in the wind as it climbs out of sight. It feels like the ultimate release - the ultimate surrender.

By choosing this feeling, you’ll begin to generate more thoughts that catalyze this feeling, which, in turn, will slowly begin to change the habitual thought patterns and loops playing on repeat. Again, easier said than done, but what’s exciting about this is that it’s ALL in your control. You are the gatekeeper to meaning. You are not your thoughts, but you are the meaning you choose to attach to them. The meaning about who you are, who you’re not, who you should be, what is right, what is wrong…and on and on we go. 

When we let it be, we accept that what is meant for us will find us. We accept that our attachment to certain outcomes, to certain people, to certain titles, is just that - an arbitrary attachment we’ve held onto based on fulfilling the projected desires of the persona we’ve deemed lovable. 

When we let it be, we live from our heart. We choose to believe that in every moment we choose ourself - our true, most authentic expression - we are allowing ourselves to move in the direction of what is waiting for us. It may not always be wrapped neatly with a bow. In fact, it might show up as a bag of poop on fire. But every time we listen to that voice, the intuition communicating from deep inside us, act accordingly to our most aligned truth, release and let it be, we are one step closer to rewiring our default and arriving at the doorstep of what is truly ours in this life.

What’s meant for you will find you. Who is meant for you will find you. In fact, what’s meant for you can not miss you as long as you are open and ready to receive. 


Gifting Yourself Time to Reflect


Giving Yourself Permission to Indulge