5 Mindset Shifts to Leap into the Unknown

leap into the unknown

The unknown can be a huge source of anxiety for a lot of us. Perhaps it’s that lingering day dream of an exotic solo getaway… or that business idea that feels so aligned, yet so grandiose… or perhaps it’s the thought of putting yourself out there and going on a blind date… we feel enamored - intoxicated - by the idea for a moment, and then, in an instant, we find ourselves ruminating on all the possible things that could go wrong. 

All the possible scenarios that we need to prepare ourselves for. All the possible permutations of conversation; if this, then this. All the possible catastrophes we feel overwhelmed by and ill equip to handle.

Before we know it, we’ve talked ourselves out of taking that leap; that leap into the unknown. That leap into a different version of ourselves- the version that is kinetic, that is present, that is unstoppable. 

Here’s the thing - leaping into the unknown does not mean there is no fear. Let’s clear that up right away. Fear will never go away. Fear is a healthy, unavoidable part of our existence. Fear is there to keep us safe. Fear is trying to protect us and for that, we can take a moment to say thank you. Not to wish it away, but to notice it, invite it into our lives, and acknowledge its existence. 

It’s funny, the more we acknowledge fear, the smaller, less powerful it becomes. As soon as we open our arms to lovingly accept the fear inside of us, it moves to the back seat of the car. In those moments of loving acceptance, you are in the driver’s seat - in charge of the direction (and the radio) - while fear moves to the back seat.

This is the first step in taking action towards the unknown: embracing fear as a quiet passenger on your journey. There is no destination of fearlessness. The sooner you can let go of fearlessness as a prequalifier of transformation, the sooner you’ll find yourself ready, willing, and inspired to take the leap.

So, I want you to visualize your leap. Maybe its the exotic solo trip, the podcast you want to launch, the business idea you keep coming back to, the cute coworker you want to ask to coffee…whatever it is, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your nose, visualize it now, and walk through the following mindset shifts with me…

1.Whatever happens is happening FOR me and my highest good

As you visualize your leap, simply notice what “obstacles” begin to enter your mind. Abandon any judgement of these obstacles and simply notice all the reasons why not your brain is creating. It’s doing just that - creating - isn’t it? Creating possible scenarios from thin air. And yet, our bodies and minds react and hold on as if these are written in cards.

Now, notice where in your body you are holding onto these stories. Is your heart beating faster? Is your throat feeling tight? Your stomach feeling knotted?

Take a deep breath. Perhaps even chuckle at the sheer creativity of our minds - maybe I should’ve been a non-fiction novelist with all the story lines playing out in my mind in the moment. 

Now, close your eyes and exhale. Notice how these reactions in your body - these reactions to your thoughts are a direct result of your desire to control. To hedge an outcome. 

Where can you let go of this control - this resistance? How can you slowly begin to embrace life as a dance - a flow - that is in constant motion FOR you. 

When this becomes a core belief, there is nothing that could happen that is too scary - too overwhelming for you - because you know, you feel, that at some point, this too will make sense. You may be annoyed, inconvenienced, confused, and even a bit pissed off in the moment, but you’ll always arrive back at the peaceful Truth that whatever is unfolding for you is clearing the way for something better, for something so divine, you can’t possibly conceive of it in this moment.

When this becomes a foundational, subconscious belief, there is a sense of peace that is far more potent than fear.

2. What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the worst I could feel?

Oftentimes, what’s really holding us back is the fear of feeling a feeling. Think about it… the worst case scenario of your leap is most likely the feeling that scenario will evoke. The feeling of rejection, the feeling of inadequacy, the feeling of unworthiness.

But, when you come back - time and time again - to the Truth of your inherent worthiness, the Truth of your essence - then these feelings become just that. Feelings that we can notice. Emotions we can separate our selves from. There’s a clear distinction between: I am rejected and I am feeling rejected.

Consider this: studies have shown that the chemical process of an emotion in the body lasts 90 SECONDS. After 90 seconds, we are choosing to stay in that emotional loop. 

Do you believe that you can experience any emotion for 90 seconds? A minute and a half. If so, the worst case scenario is you experience a painful emotion for 90 seconds and then you can choose to keep going. To leap.

3. That WOULD happen to me

This is a recurring mindset shift I’ve recently been integrating during meditation sessions. How often do you say to yourself: that would never happen to me! 

  • Falling in love with a man named Sergio on a trip to Italy - that would never happen to me

  • Finding a $100 bill on the side of the street - that would never happen to me

  • Starting a blog that is so successful, it becomes your full time gig - that would never happen to me

  • Going on a “movie-magic” first date from a dating app - that would never happen to me.

This has become an automatic response to the daydreams we yearn for. What if, instead, our automatic response was that WOULD happen to me. 

How would you show up differently if you embraced the TRUTH that whatever you desire CAN and WOULD happen to you. 

Ask yourself, why not you? And then listen to the answers you come up with. Notice, listen, and question. Challenge the lies you’ve convinced yourself are reasons why you are not as worthy as anyone else.

4. Whatever happens, I know I’ll back myself

So, we know that an emotion lasts 90 seconds in the body. One of the most empowering spaces to embody is the knowing that whatever is thrown your way, you’ve got you. This feeling of security despite any and all external factors is true freedom. 

In doing this work, in every moment you show up for yourself, in every moment you choose to lean into the Truth of your inherent worth, you are building a foundation. Then, one day, in the heart of a tornado, you notice that you’re still standing. That the foundation you’ve built in yourself can withstand any storm, any wind, any quaking. 

When you leap, you know you’ll either fly or get back up and keep walking hand in hand with yourself.

5. What’s the alternative? I don’t do it because I’m scared?

When you get to the end of your life, sitting reminiscing on the one life you lived - your one go at it here on Earth - do you want to know that you did not take your leap because you were scared? I often face things I’m scared of (sometimes things as seemingly small as certain social settings) and ask myself just this…. What’s the alternative? I just never do it because I’m scared? 

As I prepare for my own solo journey to South America in just 6 days, I am constantly moving through these exercises, constantly integrating these mindset shifts in meditation, and constantly reminding myself of the Truth of this present moment - and only this present moment.

I invite you to move through these shifts as you look inward at your leap to determine where fear is still at the driver’s seat.


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